I’m obsessed with Oliphant backdrops (https://www.oliphantstudio.com/). Gorgeous and uber expensive.
I spent a lot of time researching their technique, and of course the internet isn’t talking. Having pieced together all the clues I could find I decided to take a throw at painting a canvas backdrop.
At StillMotion Studios we are renowned for having the best shooting sets in the region. Of course, sometimes white just isn’t going to cut it, readily available muslins are passe’ and seamless is everybody’s go to.
What’s left is canvas. Since we want to provide the best possible shooting environment in SWFL I took a throw at painting one. Mind you, it may come as no surprise that I was selected to paint the cupcake sale posters in 4th grade, so I am totally qualified to do this.
I ordered a length of 8’x12′ primed #12 artist canvas and set to work. The video opens with the result of the first attempt, which I painted over.
The result is not too bad, though nowhere close to what I was going for. I did succeed in creating vertical striations which was a goal. It shoots really well, lots of texture.
Check out the quick video time lapse of the effort…